I wasn’t kidding when I said that my camera contains an inordinate number of food pictures. Food, beer, and some communist statues. That seems to be the crux of my photographic evidence…
Halloween has a special place in my heart. I worked in several haunted houses (and I grew up in LA where every such operation has at least one person who knows someone…
I was exhausted, shirtless, and freezing. I stared at the papers spread out on her desk and couldn’t answer questions any more articulately than mumbling because I was afraid I might start…
How did travel work before Google Translate? I could wax philosophical about all the profound changes technology and social media are having and the good, bad, and ugly about those implications. But…
As a self-appointed Road Trip Queen, I think there is considerable value in exploring the expanse of what actually comprises the US. I remember seeing an advertisement for a trucking company in…