In my last post I mentioned my recent trip to Dallas to visit the internet. While hanging out in Dallas with my fellow snark ladies I filmed a few things. I put…
I spent a weekend in Dallas with two of my favorite people. Sitting in a bar above a ridiculously wonderful restaurant where the waiters carry out their jobs in costume and character,…
I’m not sure if I mentioned this, but back in January I applied to be one of the 20sb Community Managers, because of my inability to understand how important that emotional-wiggle-room thing…
For all the self-indulgent bullshit that I fill this blog with, I can’t stress enough how important other people are to this. Yes, I’m mostly writing my little notes to myself, but…
I had this whole thing going about sharing all the stuff and being less guarded and more willing to own my shame and all that good stuff, but I realized, even at…
When things get bad, the last thing I really want to do is talk about how much things suck. Partially this is because when I start doing that, out loud, to other…
In my last post I mentioned this post, which I wrote first. Now that I feel like I’ve prefaced it with some vague disclaimers, I feel a lot more comfortable posting it.…
A good friend recently left her job and asked for encouragement. The details weren’t clear (and if they were, I wouldn’t be sharing them here) because all she really needed was a…
Two weeks ago today my best friend got married. SHE GOT MARRIED. I meant to say something sooner, mostly so that my blog didn’t greet newcomers with that Sad Panda Surprise post.…
Years ago, I was driving to Santa Monica with my best friend. We pulled up to the light at the end of Santa Monica Blvd., where it hits Ocean. It was late…