why I am not a real person but, in fact, a cartoon character

One day I was sitting at work telling a long story about the ridiculous thing that happened to me on my way to work that day and I realized that this is what I do basically every single day. I’m not really sure what the story was on that particular day — I think it was the day I was rushing to get stirfry before work (BECAUSE IT WAS STIRFRY DAY AND AS AN ALMOST GRADUATE I HAD TO GET MY STIRFRY ON WHILE I STILL COULD) and in my rush to get off the bus I managed to smack my head on the bus really hard (we still can’t figure out the logistics of what happened). Anyway, I was thinking about how I tell my office stories like this all the time, because these sorts of things apparently comprise my existence. I was also thinking about how I shouldn’t tell these sorts of things to co-workers or other people that I hope will posses some sort of confidence in my abilities. The point to this is that I realized on this day that I am not so much a human being as cartoon character masquerading as a human being as the events of my life do not occur in the lives of normal people.

On Sunday I graduated from college (George Washington University) with a degree I don’t really know what to do with (B. A. Sociology) as well as a lot of debt, a strong desire to travel, and a complete lack of direction. Since I returned to the place my parents live (as I lack a singular “home town”) with all of my worldly possessions to “figure shit out” and probably save up money to travel, I didn’t really have an answer to all of the, “Sooo, what’s next?” questioning.

I am creating this blog partially because it is a convenient way to keep people posted on the constant changes to my far-fetched plans (if you ask five people to tell you what I’ve told them I’m planning on doing, you’ll probably get five radically different answers, depending on how recently we’ve spoken). I’m also creating this blog because there are certain people who apparently enjoy hearing about the time I fell in a gutter, or the week where I had every car-related problem imaginable. I’m like one of those cartoon page-a-day calendars that feature a comic strip with comitragically unfortunate lead characters whose ever-looming over-head-cloud make you feel a little better about your life because you’re like, “Wow, at least I’ve got my shit together more than that guy!” Don’t worry, I don’t have a host of serious real problems or anything. I’m just a disaster of a human being and stupid shit happens to me all the time. Or more likely I cause stupid shit to happen all the time, but it’s whatever.

So there it is. Who I am. Blog’s intent. The-story-behind-the-name. The whole bit.